TC needs TLC

Changing our position to cash without dealing with our spending to income ratio will not help the fundementals....striving for a sustainable budget. Lets give the budget some TLC...I mean.. tender loving care.
Actually, the Deacons are looking at the deficit now. The trouble is that hard decisions are coming. ....and who likes hard decisions.

With the steward ship going down, we have been slowly depending more and more on the fund. The budget has been supplemented by the fund for the past three years.

In Fund We Trust

So the question was asked, "What good is a fund if we never use it?" "Shouldn't we trust in God and not the fund?", fund....God..... tough decision. God...good, fund.....

What is a fundamentalist church?

Cartoons and satire can make us laugh at ourselves.
Hope you enjoy laughing at the extremes.....

To some, it seems that all we have been doing is talking about the "Fund"... to others, not enough dialog has taken place. In any case, all can agree that it has taken some "mental energy".